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                                                           Media Research Critique:

             Studying abroad in India has presented the reality of significant issues that over the years have continued to rapidly increase. These issues consisted of sexual violence in women and children, through the practices of human trafficking and rape. In such a heavily male dominated society, these issues go unnoticed and labeled as “okay”. However, the recent push for the freedom of press have allowed these topics to surface and be expressed through the media. Many news articles have been published raising awareness and education of sexual violence against women and children. One news article is known as “#HerVoice: Ministers and human rights lawyers join NGOs in petition demanding end to sexual violence against women in India” that goes by the one of the fundamental approaches, that exposure alone can lead to change.


            This current news report transitioned the public’s view and seriousness of sexual violence to women and children in unique ways. For example, high ranked individuals or voices of authority like human rights lawyers, ministers and renowned social activists publicly pledged their support to nine Indian Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) who are petitioning the government to end sexual violence against women and girls in India. These NGO’s did not only transform the rural and urban citizens mindset of the issue but introduced integrity to politicians and intuitions of society. Without virtue, corrupt actions are the emergence of criminal activity of sexual violence towards underaged girls and women. During this month-long enterprise the aim was to raise awareness of sexual atrocities in India, where, according to the National Crime Records Bureau of India, a woman experiences sexual violence (rape) every 34 minutes. Along with the initiative to put pressure on state ministers to accelerate sensitivity training for police and educate civil society about rape culture.


            With such an urgent, but overlooked issue, people started to get involved and provide a helping hand with anything they could provide. In the article, a woman named Snehalaya, an NGO partner of the #HerVoice campaign, is a prime activist that provides refuge for women and children who are survivors of sexual violence. The campus, in Ahmednahar, Maharashtra, features a rehabilitation center, a school, the only HIV clinic in the district, vocational training, and a crisis line for situations when a woman needs rescuing from a violent situation. With these life changing ideas and values towards sexual violated survivors, healthcare is slowly drifting to accompany the better life quality of these unfortunate victims.


             After getting a glimpse of the success rates and effective actions for this abandoned group of people, I myself have taken the issue upon my own hands. In response to analyzing this issue by visiting a human trafficking safe house and thoroughly reading this article I still see the lack of support from the community and government. Specifically, aid in the financial spectrum. I want to designate my campaign to a “GoFundMe” fundraiser that has the purpose of raising money through the donating works towards the cause of sexual violence. This money will be in honor of raped or human trafficked victims. Since, I will be in India for a limited time I will entrust the funds to Public Health Research Institute in India (PHRII), an organization that accompanies women and children that live in rural areas.


            Overall, this news article was a call to action for the need government to stop focusing on creating more laws, but to refocus the implementation of existing anti-rape laws to include better rehabilitative aftercare for victims. Along with directing the responsibility of change towards men, not women, to actively change sexual violence culture.



Zulver, Jenn Selby Julia. “#HerVoice: Ministers and Human Rights Lawyers Join NGOs in Petition Demanding End to Sexual Violence against Women in India.” The Independent, Independent Digital News and Media, 10 Nov. 2015,

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